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Hello, I'm Naura. Thanks for dropping here. No ripping or copying my codes. Following or taking any of my T&F? Credits or comment. Adious Amigoes.

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Human goofing around ♥


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Big help ; Thé Silver Owls; , Amen Aj , Yesterdaysfate and Babydoll.nu

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Hi hi hi ! Today, I'm a bit rajin to make a tutorials . Actually, bende nyy dah berzaman but I just found the tuto at one of my friends in Facebook's blog - Adi Putra

Korang nak bendealah nyy tak,

Haaa, comelkann :D okaii, jom start tutoo .
As usual Dashboard>Design>Edit HTML> Tick expand widget templates
2. Search for this code :
u {
3. Kalau takade copy code ni u { paste atas /*header  .
4. Copy code dekat bawah nyy, paste selepas u { 

text-decoration:none;background:CODE COLOR;colour:CODE COLOR;border-radius: 5px;padding-top: 1px;padding-bottom: 1px;padding-left: 2px;padding-right: 2px;

OREN - background colour
HIJAU - warna tulisan 
Nakk cari colour TEKAN SINI YEAH .