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Tutorials : Scrollbar Cute-Miut


Assalammualaikum. Oh hey, I'm going to Penang. YAY. But most of all, I just can't wait to get my dream Canon DSLR :DD Okay, let's start the tutorial. Like usual, go to D'board>Design>Edit HTML *tick expand widget , click CTRL+F and search for this code :


After that, copy paste this code, and paste it UNDER /*Header ok :)

::-webkit-scrollbar {height:12px;width: 13px;background: #D6E1FF;}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background-color: #B6C9FF;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px;}

 Change the colour codes? Click here :D Okay, you're done. Kalau jadi, jangan segan nak comment taw taw taw :D KBYE.
