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Tutorials : Remove Underline At Link


Assalammualaikum. Fuhh! 3rd tutorials for today. Go on Naura, you can do it. Muahahaha :3 Okay, remove underline at link. It's easy if you know how to play with the coding. And this tutorials can make your blog more nice and more clean because it's WITHOUT ANY UNDERLINE so, let's start doing. Firstly, go to D'board>Design>Edit HTML, CTRL+F and search for this code : 

a:link {
Okay, Malay time. Dah jumpa dah?  Bawah tu, ada anak-anak code kan? Macam ni kan ?

a:link { color: $linkColor; } a:visited { color: $linkColor; }
Okay, english back. Change those codes to these :

 a:link {
 text-decoration: none;
 color: #FFBABA;
 a:visited {
 text-decoration: none;
color: #FFBABA;

Those colours you can change at HERE :) That's all for today. BYE :D
